Acme Travel creates a committee to review all of the business case documents that have been submitted for possible projects and compare them to figure out which projects should be funded in the next quarter.
A software test team finds bugs in the software.
The construction crew built the six houses required by the plan.
A photographer’s prints are grainy.
. Acme has a focus group with all of the potential customers who might be interested in the trip to help it evaluate all of its project proposals and decide which ones are most likely to benefit the company.
Acme asks the VP of Asia Travel to review the business case for the Midwest Teachers’ Association trip and decide whether or not the projected costs and schedule look right.
The travel agent who is assigned to the project holds a brainstorming session with all of the other travel agents to propose a new goal for the project.
Acme hires an outside consultant to help it figure out whether or not its current strategic goals are the right ones for the company.
A bride asks the photographer to stop asking her mother for permission to make changes.
A construction crew used the wrong kind of lumber in a house.