If PV is $252,000 and BAC is $350,000, what is the planned % complete?
If BAC is $126,500 and EAC is $115,000, what is the CPI?
You’re managing a project to install 200 windows in a new skyscraper and need to figure out your budget. Each week of the project costs the same: your team members are paid a total of $4,000 every week, and you need $1,000 worth of parts each week to do the work. If the project is scheduled to last 16 weeks, What will the planned % complete be four weeks into the project?
BAC is $100,000 and EAC is $107,000, EV is $68,000, and AC is $70,000. What is the EAC-based TCPI?
You’re managing a project to install 200 windows in a new skyscraper and need to figure out your budget. Each week of the project costs the same: your team members are paid a total of $4,000 every week, and you need $1,000 worth of parts each week to do the work. If the project is scheduled to last 16 weeks, what’s the BAC for the project?
You’re managing a project to install 200 windows in a new skyscraper and need to figure out your budget. Each week of the project costs the same: your team members are paid a total of $4,000 every week, and you need $1,000 worth of parts each week to do the work. If the project is scheduled to last 16 weeks, What should the PV be four weeks into the project?
You are managing a highway construction project. You have to build a three-mile interchange at a cost of $75,000 per quarter-mile. Your project team consists of a road planner, an architect, an engineer, a foreman, and 16 highway workers. The workers will not be available until week 10 of the project. Your business case document is complete, and you have met with your stakeholders and sponsor. Your senior managers are now asking you to come up with an estimate. Your company has done four other highway projects very similar to this one, and you have decided to make your estimate by looking at the costs of those previous projects. What kind of estimate involves comparing your project to a previous one?
BAC is $40,000 and EAC is $30,000, EV is $17,000, and AC is $15,000. What is the BAC-based TCPI?
If EV is $93,406 and SPI is 0.91, what is the planned value?