A photographer brings an extra camera body to a shoot, in case one breaks down.
You’ve just received a change request. This means:
A consulting company assigns extra resources to a project to compensate for possible attrition.
A software project is running late, so a software project manager looks to find slack time and reassign resources to get things done more quickly.
You’re a project manager on a construction project. The electrician has started laying out the wiring, when the client comes to you with a change request. He needs additional outlets, and you think that will increase the cost of the electrical work. What is the first thing you do?
Which of these is not an input to Develop Project Charter?
A caterer notices that the crudités are all gone and assigns a chef to make more.
You’re managing a graphic design project. One of your team members reports that there is a serious problem, and you realize that it will cause a delay that could harm the business of the stakeholders. Even worse, it will take another two days for you to fully assess the impact—until then, you won’t have the whole story. What is the BEST way to handle this situation?
What is the output of Direct and Manage Project Work?