Take a look at below attempts to resolve a conflict and figure out which conflict resolution technique is being used. “I don’t really have time to deal with this right now. Just figure it out and get back to me.”
Write down which stage following scenario describes. Now that the product has shipped, the team is meeting to document all of their lessons learned and write up project evaluations.
Take a look at below attempts to resolve a conflict and figure out which conflict resolution technique is being used. “I don’t really have time for this—let’s just do it your way and forget I ever brought up the problem.”
Write down which stage following scenario describes. Derek just got to the team, and he’s really reserved. Folks on the team aren’t quite sure what to make of him. Eveybody’s polite, but it seems like some people are a little threatened by him.
Write down which stage following scenario describes. Joan and Bob are great at handling the constant scope changes on the Business Intelligence project. Whenever the stakeholders request changes, they shepherd them through the change control process and make sure the team doesn’t get bothered with them unless it’s absolutely necessary. That leaves Darrel and Roger to focus on building the main product. Everybody is focusing on their area and doing a great job. It seems like it’s all just clicking for the group.
Write down which stage following scenario describes. Danny just realized that Janet is really good at developing web services. He’s starting to think of ways to make sure that she gets all of the web service development work and Doug gets all of the client software work. Doug seems really happy about this too—he seems to really enjoy building Windows applications.
Take a look at below attempts to resolve a conflict and figure out which conflict resolution technique is being used. “Look Sue, Joe’s already filled me in on your issue. I’ve considered his position, and I’ve decided that he’s right, so I don’t need to hear any more about it.”
Take a look at below attempts to resolve a conflict and figure out which conflict resolution technique is being used. “You guys are almost entirely in agreement—you just differ on one little point! I’ll bet we’ll be laughing about this next week.”
Take a look at below attempts to resolve a conflict and figure out which conflict resolution technique is being used. “Hold on a second, let’s all sit down and figure out what the real problem is.”
Take a look at below attempts to resolve a conflict and figure out which conflict resolution technique is being used. “Joe, you’ve got a solid case, but Sue really brings up some good points. If you just make two little concessions, and Sue gives up one of her points, we’ll all be good.”